In the spirit of the classic Choose Your Own Adventure series, this will be an interactive session with participants having an opportunity to select educator commitments that they would like to learn most about. This session will expose you to a variety of authors' best practices and fundamentals, particularly in the areas of communication, relationships, and critical thinking. Participants will leave the session with awareness of daily techniques that if implemented in earnest, will improve and strengthen your current environment whether it be a classroom, department, or school; students will grow and staff will feel empowered and valued.
Self Care is a word that is heard often. We are told to practice self care, take care of ourselves, put your oxygen mask on before you help others but what does that really look like? As educators we naturally give and take care of others before we take care of ourselves, how can we fix that? Our building principal and social worker worked together using a variety of resources to put together a year long plan focusing each month on a self care habit. These habits are applicable to the adults in your system but also applicable to the youngest students. Learn more about his process and plan and take away ideas that you can implement to incorporate these habits of self care into your classroom and building.
As we looked to increase academic rigor in our school we realized that many students struggled with self regulation when confronted with a difficult or rigorous task. Our School Improvement Leadership Team utilized the Cycles of Inquiry process to develop a systematic plan to track emotional responses and then provide consistent strategies to empower students to self regulate. Learn more about our process and the self regulation strategies that students learned in this process.
This session will guide you through the exciting world of Pathway Endorsement Programs. Learn how to implement a program that validates student achievement, prepares them for college and career success, and connects them with industry partners.
Key Takeaways: Demystifying the Framework: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Pathway Endorsement Program requirements, including a brief overview of Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs), career-focused Instruction, work-based learning experiences, and academic readiness.
Regional Support Systems: Learn more about how one region is providing supports for pathway implementation through resources like Xello and unique events such as the Pathway Playground, team based challegnge days, and indutry signing events.
Industry Partnerships: Learn how to forge valuable connections with local businesses to provide real-world experiences for your students.
Sharing the Journey: A school district will share their firsthand experience implementing a Pathway Endorsement Program, offering insights and best practices.